The general agreement on the participation of UPM in the project “Economy, Ecology and
Infrastructure on high-speed railways” was signed on 12 th March, 2019.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is the oldest and largest Spanish technical university,
with almost 3,000 faculty members, around 35,000 undergraduate students and 6.500
postgraduates in 18 Schools of study. UPM’s Schools cover most of engineering disciplines, as
well as Architecture, Computer Science and Geodesy & Cartography, and recently Fashion and
Sports. Moreover, UPM as a top quality academic establishment has a strong commitment to
R&D and Innovation, boasting 203 Research Units and 17 Research Centres and Institutes,
contributing significantly to the international scientific community with a high number of
journal papers, conference communications, and PhD theses. UPM has a long tradition of
collaboration with Industry (around 50% of its R&D funding) and participation in international
R&D programs. As UPM participation in FP7 is concerned, the University has taken part up to
now in 242 European R&D projects with more than 64 M€ of funding, ranked first Spanish
University. UPM is a full member of the major LAC technological university associations
(LACCEI, ASIBEI, HACU, Tordesillas Group, etc). UPM promoted the creation of a Network
made up of European and Latin American and Caribbean Technological Institutions. This
Network, called Magalhães, has smoothly been running for eleven years. Currently, around
one thousand students move every year from one side to other of the Atlantic in the
framework of this Network.
Concerning the involvement on on-line education, UPM is member of the OCW consortium
(occupying a place in the board), is very active on MOOC platforms like EdX, MiriadaX, etc. And
their courses has received several awards (like the 2014 Ministry of Education Awards to the
best MOOC).
UPM is member of 3 of the 5 European Institute of Technology approved Knowledge and
Innovation Communities (KICs).
Following this context UPM has been supporting and advising the process through its School
Caminos, Canales y Puertos. This Civil Engineering institute has teaching and research
experience in all aspects related to High Speed Railways, with numerous instructors have been
involved in the planning, design, construction and operation of High Speed railways, mostly in
Spain, but also in some cases in another countries. The High School teaches requirements of
HSR for infrastructure (embankments, structures, cuts, platform, tunnels), financing and
planning, operations, and other aspects as needed.
- preparation of the curriculum and modules for the master programme
- support to organize the technically specialised laboratories in PGUPS, UrGUPS, FESTU,
KazATC, SKSU, ENU - preparation of the teaching matierials for the students of master programme
- preparation and implementation of the intensive trainings for the lecturers
- implementation of the first pilot project of the master programme
- preparation of the qualification upgrade courses for the specialists
- implementation of the qualification upgrade courses for the specialists
- promotion of the program and information distribution