The development of high-speed rail (HSR) is a sign of the economic and strategic development of each country. The effects of the national HSR network development are the expansion of labour markets, goods, services and capital due to agglomeration effects and increased mobility. For this reason, many countries are currently working on the further development of high-speed transport. One of the most important current projects linking Europe, Asia and Russia is the Euro-Asia high-speed line, which intends to connect national high-speed lines into a common transcontinental railway corridor.
The specialists with skills and knowledge in planning, design and operation f HSR enjoy high demand worldwide. The bilingual Master Programme „Economics, Ecology and Infrastructure at High-Speed Railways” (EEIHSR) is designed to educate such specialists, underlining the educational and economic strategies of each country.
The bilingual Master is a joint program of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences “Friedrich List” at the Technical University of Dresden (TUD) and the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS) in Russia and JSC “Academy of Logistics and Transport” (ALT) in Kazakhstan. It enables the acquisition of a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree from the home university (PGUPS or SKU) and a Master degree from host university (TUD). A specialist with this qualification will be in demand on railroads all over Eurasia.
The curriculum of the Master Programme EEIHSR has been formed on the basis of the knowledge of partner universities (Experts from Russia, Kazakhstan, Spain, Germany and Poland), is shaped to comply with the Bologna process and consists of basic and elective components, advanced seminar, scientific research work but also master thesis.
During the study, the students of the master programme EEIHSR receive theoretical, practical training in the field of the advanced techniques, technologies and organization of design, construction, operation, economics and ecology of railway transport. Master programme focuses on the High-speed railway.
The Master programme EEIHSR is designed for four semesters (two years). The curriculum includes 120 ECTS. The 1st and 2nd semesters take place at the home university (PGUPS or ALT). The lectures are held in Russian language. The 1st and 2nd semesters set with general modules in subject of engineering the base for the education. Parallel to the engineering courses, the basic knowledge of railway systems is introduced. In addition to the main disciplines of 1st and 2nd semesters, the students have to participate on the intensive English course. In the 3rd semester, the students continue the study at the host university (TUD) and benefit from the knowledge of European railroad experts in theory and practice. The curriculum of the first three semesters consists of lectures and tutorials with compulsory attendance and self-studies. The last semester is located at home university and dedicated to the master thesis.
Admitted for study are specialists and bachelors (of engineering and economic areas of training), as well as masters interested in additional education in the field of High-speed railway. Further information about the application see at the website of the responsible university:
- Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University:
- JSC “Academy of Logistics and Transport”:
You can get an overview of studying at the TUD from the attached video.