Ten post dostępny jest także w języku: Русский (Russian)
Organisation name & acronym: Ural State University of Railway Transport (URGUPS/USURT), Russia
Role: Partner Institution
Website: http://www.usurt.ru
Address: 620034, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Kolmogorova st., 66
First contact person: Elena Timukhina
First contact person (mail): ETimuhina@usurt.ru
For 60 years the Ural State University of Railway Transport has been staying the only transport higher educational institution of the Ural Federal District. UrGUPS is included into the top 100 best universities of the Russian Federation and the CIS states. The university is among 10 best higher educational institutions of Russia according to the alumni employability. Today the university is the vertically integrated university complex which provides programs of secondary professional and higher education in the sphere of transport. The university combines 6 faculties, 23 departments, 12 research-educational centers, laboratories. More then 18 500 students study at the university. There are more than 140 foreign students from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Brazil, Kyrgyzstan, China, Columbia, Kongo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldavia, Uzbekistan, Chad.
The students of UrGUPS did a lot of times an internship in Germany as a part of an international cooperation with company Siemens.
Today UrGUPS conducts the training in specialities and tracks for bachelor degree and master degree, which meets the contemporary transport complex demands. UrGUPS trains highly qualified constructing engineers of overland lines of communication, specialists for railway transport, professional executives: economists, logistics specialists, managers of human recourses, developers of information system. All that academic programs are successfully taught in the UrGUPS, but the priority in training specialists with higher professional education is given to the transport specialities.
Notice: The Russian partner URGUPS/USURT had been part of the consortium until 08 April 2022