Within the framework of project, establishment of high-speed railway (HSR) laboratories in participant institutions in Russia and Kazakhstan is an important object of project.
The high-speed railway laboratory are used to the lectures and practice exercises for the students and staffs involving in the project. Therefore, the laboratory to be established must match the teaching curriculum, including master programme EEIHSR and integrated modules. In addition, the high-speed railway laboratory are established based on the exist-ing laboratory facilities and the stand of current laboratory were assessed including stand of vehicle engineering, stand of railway signalling, stand of railway construction, computer laboratory.
Work Status – HSR Laboratory
USURT selected software “High-Speed Traffic Polygon” to equip the HSR-laboratory. In or-der to provide students with the complex knowledge in the field of organization and con-trol of high-speed traffic it is necessary to give them the ability of making dispatching deci-sions in real time mode. According to the Master programme EEIHSR there are the follow-ing important modules Organization of Operation and Control of Train Traffic, Operation Planning in Public Transport, Transport Safety and Control Technology that implies getting the mentioned above skills and knowledge. Software can also be used for internal, external qualification upgrade courses and for research. At present, the software and supporting equipment have been installed and will be put into use soon.
FESTU selected software “Mathematica” & “LabVIEW” for HSR laboratory. After a compara-tive analysis of software packages, the selected software are widely used for the lecture demonstrations and research practice work for the following modules introduced from Master programme EEIHSR: Transportation Systems Theory, Modelling; Transport Ecology and its Processes I and Transport Safety and Control Technology that implies getting the mentioned above skills and knowledge. Using Mathematica students will able to deep study mathematical models for details and the process of high-speed trains. Additionally, the software will be used in the student science, research work, include development of qualification works. The LabVIEW software will be used to empower students’ ability to study processes and objects in the real world, create data collection systems for educa-tional and research experiments. With LabVIEW software, students can improve their soft-ware design experience, study advanced techniques for signal processing, gain perfect skills in the building of data acquisition systems. At present, the software and supporting equipment have been installed and will be put into use soon.
KZ universities (KazATC, ENU and SKSU) have chosen the software Railway Simulation “OpenTrack”. This equipment is an universal software that can be used not only in the edu-cational process but also in research such as determining the requirements for a railway network’s infrastructure, analyzing the capacity of lines and stations, evaluating and design-ing various signaling systems, such as discrete block systems, short blocks, moving blocks and etc. The software capacity allows teaching more than half modules of the Master pro-gramme as well as organizing good laboratory classes for internal and external quality up-grade courses. At present, the software and supporting equipment are ordered and will be installed and put into use soon.
PGUP is developing a scientific and training laboratory for digital modelling of high-speed railway lines, which belongs to the chair of Construction of roads in the transport complex and is a part of Interuniversity Research and Education Centre in field of High-Speed Lines of PGUPS. The laboratory will be used for research and development, including computer modelling of survey, design, construction and operation processes for high-speed railways throughout their life cycle, as well as for advanced training of designers, builders, operating railway personnel and managers involved in the development and operation of high-speed railways. Automated workstations (AWS) are set up in the laboratory and are formed by in-stalling software for creating BIM models of high-speed railway infrastructure, managing BIM models and developing plans for the implementation of investment projects. The la-boratory will be housed in three rooms with an area of 146 m2. At present, the software and supporting equipment are ordered and will be installed and put into use soon.