
“Problems and prospects for the development of railway transport in the Eurasian space” – REPORT

On February 24, 2021, the Faculty of Transport and Energy, within the framework of the Erasmus + project “Economy, ecology and infrastructure on high-speed railways”, has held an international conference “Problems and prospects for the development of railway transport in the Eurasian space “(online, Microsoft Teams platform).

On February 24, 2021, the Faculty of Transport and Energy, within the framework of the Erasmus + project “Economy, ecology and infrastructure on high-speed railways”, has held an international conference “Problems and prospects for the development of railway transport in the Eurasian space “(online, Microsoft Teams platform).

The aim of the Erasmus + project in the program component “Capacity building in higher education” “Economy, ecology and infrastructure on high-speed railways” where the Faculty of Transport and Energy has been participating since 2018, facilitating the transfer of knowledge in the field of railway engineering, in particular high-speed rail roads for participating Kazakh and Russian universities.

Conference participants: faculty members, master and doctoral students included in the consortium of 9 universities:

  • Dresden University of Technology (Germany) – project coordinator;
  • Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I (RF)
  • Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain),
  • University of Economics in Katowice (Poland),
  • Ural State Transport University (RF),
  • Far Eastern State Transport University (RF),
  • Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev,
  • Auezov South Kazakhstan State University
  • Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov,
  • as well as “Research Center for Complex Transport Problems” in Nur-Sultan.

The project objective is to disseminate knowledge on the master’s program developed within the framework of the project, in particular, the introduction of educational materials at L.N. Gumilyov ENU.

L.N. Gumilyov ENU Vice-rector for Science and Innovation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.T. Merzadinova – made a greeting from the conference organizers, and Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Energy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor T.B. Suleimenov.

The report of the General Director of the Scientific Research Center LLP, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B. Zhardemov on the subject: “The transit potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Eurasian space and the key requirements for the railway transport of the future” aroused the greatest interest and discussion. In particular, in the report of Mr. BB Zhardemov, it was noted about the grandiose Project of the high-speed high-speed line “Eurasia” along the route Beijing – Nur-Sultan – Moscow – Berlin, passing through the territory of 6 countries (EU states, China and the Customs union). He also noted that almost 80% of the length of the projected high-speed railway passes through the territories of the countries of the Customs Union. This project would put the Republic of Kazakhstan in a leading position in terms of the specific length of the passenger high-speed lines per capita in the country in the world. This Project was initiated by Russian Railways and has not yet been fully implemented, is very capital intensive, and requires the consolidated participation of the leading countries of the Eurasian space.

The discussion was attended by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bekzhanova SE, who then made a report “Ensuring traffic safety on a high-speed highway.”

Discussion of substantive reports by European professors Clara Zamorano and Manuel Romana (Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain), Ulrich Maschek and Elena Queck (Technical University of Dresden (Germany), Rafał Otręba, and Jacek Szołtysek, (University of Economics in Katowice (Poland)) aroused great interest our undergraduates and doctoral students enrolled in the EP “Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport”, “Transport. Transport Equipment and Technology” and “Ecology.” We would like to note that most of the reports were in English, and even more so 100% participation of those students at the conference and their feedback are most valuable, because they are the main target audience of all events held at our faculty.

On 24.02.2021, the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Faculty of Transport and Energy, organized a conference within the framework of the Erasmus + project. The conference was attended by both our and foreign university professors. Professor Jacek Szoltyzek and Chief Engineer Konstantin Vakhrushev gave a very informative and interesting report. In such conferences, students receive a lot of new information to improve their knowledge.

Torebelova Symbat

The project coordinators (Technical University of Dresden (Germany) and the conference participants noted a very high level of organization of the conference. Here it is necessary to note the clear and qualified work of the responsible coordinator for the implementation of the project Sansyzbaeva Z.K. and the project working group consisting of T.T. Sultanova – Ph. so-called, associate professor of the department “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport”, Beisenova R. R. – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Management and Engineering in the field of environmental protection of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Remote simultaneous and consecutive interpretation of the conference was carried out by: Art. Lecturer of the Department “Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport” Suleimenova Sh.T. and a student at Nazarbayev University Ibragimov Alhakim.

We would also like to note the qualified work in organizing and holding the conference at the international level on the Microsoft Teams platform, the Department of Informatization of L.N. Gumilyov and express our deep gratitude to the director of the department Mukatayev N.S. and the specialist of the department Sabdenov H.

Globally, the main value of these meetings, and even more so the participation of our faculty in the Erasmus + project, still lies in qualitative changes, modernization of education, and development of human capital. Participation in the Erasmus + project today has become an excellent incentive for all of us to learn English and engage in scientific projects. They are based on the principle of equal opportunities, when human qualities, abilities, skills and ideas come to the fore.

Participation in the Erasmus + project also provides starting opportunities for the development of further independent partnerships between universities of Kazakhstan and the largest universities in the world, which is one of the strategic directions of development of the ENU. L.N. Gumilyov. Thanks to this, our university is improving, new opportunities are opening up, freely adopting the experience of colleagues from all over the world, improving not only its reputation and rating, but also the image of Kazakhstan as a whole. This was noted by many participants in the international conference.