
Report on the implementation of project tasks for 2019-2021 by SKU, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, 2018-2021

Ten post dostępny jest także w języku: Русский (Russian)

Work Package 1 Preparation

From March 18 until 27, 2019 docent of the Ecology department Shingisbayeva Zhadra participated in the one-site visits in foreign universities – partners in Spain, Poland, Germany.

As part of the workshops, they were introduced to the curricula, teaching and learning methods of foreign partner universities.

Work Package  2 Development

TU  Dresden proposed a number of modules, where 3 modules are selected to  integrate into the working educational program 6M071300 – Transport, transport equipment and technology  at  SKU. ” High-Speed Railway Rolling Stock “, “Transport ecology and its processes”, ” High-Speed Railway Economics ” according to the curriculum for the 2020-2021 academic year. “Transport ecology and its processes”, “Economics of high-speed railways”  modules, which  training materials were developed in English, which were developed as a result of intensive advanced training courses.

Work Package 3 – – Development

2 teachers of the Department of Transport, organization of transportation and traffic Tagayev Nurlybek and Kartashova Antonina participated in project meetings, workshops and training for lectures at from September 12 until 28, 2021:

–         Far Eastern State Transport University (FESTU), Khabarovsk (Russia),

–         Ural State University of Railway Transport (USURT), Yekaterinburg (Russia),

–         Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS), St. Petersburg (Russia).

Work Package 4. – Development

In 2020-2021 academic year 7 master students on the educational program 6M071300 – Transport, transport equipment and technology  passed from 3 modules, as   “High-Speed Railway Rolling Stock “, “Transport ecology and its processes”, ” High-Speed Railway Economics “.

SKU  developed and presented the following presentations as part of the module Training of the lectures:

– Safety and reliability of operation of high-speed railway transport and elements of the highway infrastructure (June 22-23,2021) lecturer Kartashova Antonina

– High-speed rail transport and highways (June 24-25, 2021) lecturer Tagayev Nurlybek

– Features of the interaction of the track and high-speed rolling stock (June 28-29, 2021) lecturer Shoibekov Baurzhan

Work Package 6 – Dissemination and Sustainability

In the framework of the project SKU staff prepared and published 8 papers in the international conferences and republic newspapers:

  1.  Publication 2 articles on the project  in Kazakh language in the Republic  newspaper «Independent Kazakhstan»  №8 (55), 30.04.2019. Including in the media (newspaper “Panorama of Shymkent, No. 94 (1736) of 11/27/2019.”).
  2. «Modern education: challenges, trends and strategies», The Proceedings of the 2nd international forum of teachers-innovators: – Shymkent, 2019. – T. 2. – Pp. 190-194;
  3. «Problems of ensuring the safe operation of high-speed railways»  Materials of the XVI International scientific and practical conference «Conduct of modern science – 2020». – Sheffield. – «Science and education» LTD, 2020. –  Vol. 11. – Р. 53-57,
  4. «Positive effects of EU projects ERASMUS+ Economy, ecology and infrastructure at high-speed railways»  in Eurasian transport higher education institutions”. VII International Conference «Industrial Technologies and Engineering» ICITE-2020, Volume I. P.310-315. Shymkent, Kazakstan, November 12-13, 2020.
  5. Cooperation of the countries participating in the Erasmus+ project in the field of high-speed trains in the Republic newspaper on February,26,2020.
  6. «Prospects for the Development of High-Speed Railway Transport in the Republic of Kazakhstan», the Proceedings of International scientific -practical conference Auezov readings -18 on April, 2020.
  7. Perspectives of the development of high-speed railways in Kazakhstan in the Republic newspaper on January, 17,2020.

SKU provided general information into Russian and English about SKU to post at the official site of the project and social media.

SKU has official page and  social media in the framework of the project: – official page on the project Facebook Instagram

Work Package 7Management

SKU is preparing materials for trainings and participating in on-line teleconferences with project manager. During the project staff management hold all activities for successful implementation, as coordination, financial and risk management, reporting, internal and external support.

The report is prepared by Arida Turymshayeva  (Project manager, SKU, Shymkent, Kazakhstan)